What Eve Did
Published on 2025-03-08
A fun reinterpretation of the Garden of Eden.
Published on 2025-03-08
A fun reinterpretation of the Garden of Eden.
Published on 2025-03-05
I am terrified. I have to write. I put so much time and energy into my novel and now it feels I cannot take it further.
Published on 2025-02-23
I am scared and blocked in my inertia, complicit to a danse that will end in blood.
Published on 2025-02-17
Join me on this journey through my thoughts, experiences, and creative expressions.
Published on 2025-02-17
A poem about...
Published on 2025-02-17
This is a poem I wrote some days ago
Published on 2024-07-10
A poem inspired by the menhirs in Carnac, written in French with a dash of Romanian
Published on 2024-02-24
I like him, I like him a lot!
Published on 2019-11-18
Once upon a time, I lived in Sweden, and while taking the train to its final stop, I used to hear these words: Tåget närmar sig slutstationen (The train is approaching its final stop). This poem is written entirely in Swedish.
Published on 2016-06-06
Friendship was always extremely important to me, yet somehow, I still fuck up. I did, I do, but hopefully I will learn to just don't. Speranța moare ultima! Poem from my late twenties, in Romanian language.
Published on 2015-04-24
And then I grew up, and reality hit me hard. The job, the job, the job...Written in Romanian with a drop of English.
Published on 2011-09-22
Platitudes, oh sweet platitudes. And still, the first signs of existentialism were emerging. Poem written in my twenties, in Romanian.
Published on 2010-07-28
The dreams of a youthful soul. Beautiful and far. Poem written in my twenties, in Romanian.
Published on 2010-06-11
What do I want? Well...many contradictory things, according to this poem. Unreciprocated love stirs a lot of mixed feelings. Poem from my twenties, in Romanian language.
Published on 2010-05-18
The Goddess. Poem dedicated to the Love Goddess; from my twenties, written in Romanian.
Published on 2010-04-23
We all got drunk in our twenties, and thought we found the secret of life on the bottom of a whiskey glass, didn't we? Didn't we?
Published on 2010-03-21
Falling in love is a form of possession, or at least that's how I saw it in my early twenties. Poem in Romanian language.
Published on 2010-02-20
Young love is so intense! In this poem I explore the myth of 'zburătorul' ('flyer'), a mythical being that supossedly visited young women at night, awakening in them mad passions. Poem from my twenties; in Romanian.
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